The Truly Rich Club

Thursday, July 25, 2013

God Whisper ( July 25,,2013)

Dear allan,

Small men who dream great dreams always leave a big legacy.

Enlarging you,

P.S. allan, I am working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Me. (Philippians 2:13)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

God Whisper ( July 24,,2013)

Dear allan,



P.S. allan, simplicity will point to you where and what and who the treasures are in your life.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

God Whisper ( July 23,,2013)

Dear allan,

Today I whisper your name and call you to come. Draw nearer to My heart. Know what I want you to do. Follow My lead. And you will experience My abundance.

Guiding you,

P.S. allan, do you realize that even your desire to draw near to Me comes from Me?

Monday, July 22, 2013

God Whisper ( July 22,,2013)

Dear allan,

Have you been blaming a thin piece of rope for tying you to your mess, your failure, your sin, your problem? You’re not helpless.  You can change your life! 

Setting you free,

P.S. You can change your spiritual life, family life, financial life, allan. Right now.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

God Whisper ( July 21,,2013)

Dear allan,

Have you been blaming a thin piece of rope for tying you to your mess, your failure, your sin, your problem? You’re not helpless.  You can change your life! 

Setting you free,

P.S. You can change your spiritual life, family life, financial life, allan. Right now.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

God Whisper ( July 20,,2013)

Dear allan,

When you start to genuinely care for others, putting their needs before your own, you will know what true happiness is.

Joyfully yours,

P.S. allan, I know, because I’m always happy.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

God Whisper ( July 18,,2013)

Dear allan,

Condemnation won’t heal you. Judging yourself won’t heal you. Taking a guilt trip won’t heal you. Shaming yourself won’t heal you. 

Restoring you,

P.S. allan, only love will.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

God Whisper ( July 17,,2013)

Dear allan,

Don’t let this day end without telling your loved ones that you love them.

I love you,

P.S. allan, don’t assume that they know you love them. Sometimes, they have to hear it!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

God Whisper ( July 16,,2013)

Dear allan,

When people criticize you, keep it in mind. When people praise you, keep it in your heart. That way, you can think about your faults and correct them, and cherish people and love them.

Molding you,

P.S. allan, if you let criticism get to your heart, you’ll get hard-hearted. If you let compliments go to your head, you’ll get big-headed.

Monday, July 15, 2013

God Whisper ( July 15,,2013)

Dear allan,

I am not in the business of condemning people. I’m in the business of loving people, forgiving people, and giving people abundance.

Renewing you,

P.S. allan, if you have fault, accept it. If you have sin, admit your mistake. But never condemn yourself!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

God Whisper ( July 14,,2013)

Dear allan,

Instead of spending time and energy criticizing others, use it to pray for them.

Behind you,

P.S. allan, you’ll get better results, trust Me.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

God Whisper ( July 13,,2013)

Dear allan,

Use bionic vision to see the good in others and myopic vision when it comes to their faults. 

Teaching you,

P.S. What’s even better, allan, be blind to others’ shortcomings.

God Whisper ( July 12,,2013)

Dear allan,

You are the driver of your life because I gave you free will. But don’t forget: I’m the real owner of the car, the master mechanic riding with you in the car, the GPS guiding your car, and the powerful fuel in your car.

Empowering you,

P.S. Together we’ll go places, allan.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

God Whisper ( July 11,2013)

Dear allan,

Do you realize that at the very moment you’re grumbling about something, someone is dying somewhere else? So think: Will you spend your next breath complaining or giving praise?

Blessing you,

P.S. allan, let your every breath praise Me.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

God Whisper ( July 10,,2013)

Dear allan,

There are days when you win, and there are days when you lose. When you feel like you’re a loser, remember the days when you won. Focus on that, and let that memory keep you hopeful.

At work,

P.S. No matter how many times you lose, remember that I’ve already won the ultimate battle for you.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

God Whisper ( July 9,,2013)

Dear allan,

There is one thing that all successful people have in common: They respond to failure positively. When the going gets tough, they take charge!  

Encouraging you,

P.S. allan, take the steering wheel of your life and drive.

Monday, July 8, 2013

God Whisper ( July 8,,2013)

Dear allan,

Just as a careless word can start a fight, a loving word can heal hostility.


P.S. allan, life is happier when you don’t have enemies.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

God Whisper ( July 7,,2013)

Dear allan,

Thinking negative thoughts is just as toxic as drinking poison. Both will harm your body.

Healing you,

P.S. allan, think of things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

God Whisper ( July 6,,2013)

Dear allan,

Do you want to succeed in life? Stop whining.  Take charge. Make things happen.

Have a fantastic day,

P.S. allan, the point is taking charge for creating a new life.

Friday, July 5, 2013

God Whisper ( July 5,,2013)

Dear allan,

You teach children to be careful with scissors, flames and other things that may hurt them. Are you as careful when it comes to things that will hurt your soul?

Protecting you,

P.S. Greed, envy and resentment will hurt you big-time, allan.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

God Whisper ( July 4,,2013)

Dear allan,

Decide today to speak only words that heal.

Bless you,

P.S. Remember, allan, your words can bring life or death to you and your listeners.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

God Whisper ( July 3,,2013)

Dear allan,

For some people, religion is toxic. It kills. It harms. It hurts. It robs. Why? Because they have a distorted image of Me.

Growing you,

P.S. allan, I’m not a God who is preoccupied with your sinfulness. I’m consumed by thoughts of loving and blessing you.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

God Whisper ( July 2,,2013)

Dear allan,

Declare this day to be a Free Hugs July. Hug as many people as you can and share My love.

Loving you,

P.S. allan, a hug costs you nothing and for sure it’ll come back to you.

Monday, July 1, 2013

God Whisper ( July 1,,2013)

Dear allan,

Don’t let money steal away your true wealth.

Enriching you,

P.S. allan, your relationships are more valuable than money. Don't ever forget that.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

God Whisper ( June 30,2013)

Dear allan,

When all the doors close in on you, don’t despair. I’m just detouring you to a better route.

Leading you,

P.S. allan, trust Me, My path is better.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

God Whisper ( June 29,2013)

Dear allan,

Did you notice? I never get tired of forgiving you. That’s because I know that one day, My love will triumph over your sinful nature and you’ll get tired of sinning. 

Pouring out grace,

P.S. allan, love covers all offenses (Proverbs 10:12)

Friday, June 28, 2013

God Whisper ( June 28,2013)

Dear allan,

Don’t only serve the people who are good and nice to you. Clean feet do not need to be washed. Wash the feet of those who trample on you.

Teaching you,

P.S. allan, as I have done for you, you should do also.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

God Whisper ( June 27,2013)

Dear allan,

Right now, you may be worried about all sorts of concerns. Entrust them to Me today.

All Yours,

P.S. allan, You’re My friend. And I stand by My friends.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

God Whisper ( June 26,2013)

Dear allan,

I thought of you just now. And a minute ago. As well as the minute before that.

Love you,

P.S. Come to think of it, allan, you never leave My thoughts.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

God Whisper ( June 25,2013)

Dear allan,

The one who grumbles doesn’t need a reason to complain. He can ruin his day all by himself. Give thanks instead.

Blessing you,

P.S. allan, when your mind is focused on giving thanks, the miracles multiply.

Monday, June 24, 2013

God Whisper ( June 24,2013)

Dear allan,

There is nothing safer than being in My will.

Your Guide,

P.S. Did I mention, allan, that the blessings are most abundant there as well?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

God Whisper ( June 23,2013)

Dear allan,

Jealousy will eat you up faster than you can resent the person you envy. It’s a two-edged dagger except that you are holding the blade.

Protecting you,

P.S. allan, when you’re tempted to be jealous, thank Me for the person’s achievements instead.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

God Whisper ( June 22,2013)

Dear allan,

Conserve your energy. Stop wasting it on worrying and mulling over things you can’t control.

Prince of Peace,

P.S. allan, turn your mind to prayer instead. It’s more productive.

Friday, June 21, 2013

God Whisper ( June 21,2013)

Dear allan,

I am with you when you need Me the most. I hold your hand when you are afraid. I hold your hand when you are sick. I hold your hand when you fall down.      

Always there,

P.S. Even during those times when you can’t feel Me, allan, I’m ever present with you.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

God Whisper ( June 20,2013)

Dear allan,

Let’s play a game. Count how many people you can cause to smile today.

Joyfully yours,

P.S. allan, when you refresh others, you too will be refreshed (Proverbs 11:25).

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

God Whisper ( June 19,2013)

Dear allan,

When you see your life up close, it may look dark and dreary. But I see the big picture of your life.

Working things out for you,

P.S. Believe me, allan, it’s a beautiful sight.

God Whisper ( June 19,2013)

Dear allan,

When you see your life up close, it may look dark and dreary. But I see the big picture of your life.

Working things out for you,

P.S. Believe me, allan, it’s a beautiful sight.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

God Whisper ( June 18,2013)

Dear allan,

Mothers are one of My greatest inventions. With all her weaknesses, she is still one of My most precious gifts to you.

Love you,

P.S. allan, love your mom… while you can.

Monday, June 17, 2013

God Whisper ( June 17,2013)

Dear allan,

There are people who unknowingly delight in putting others down. Don’t let their negative spirit rub off on you. 

Have a great day,

P.S. allan, just listening to them can drain you so if you can avoid listening to them, do yourself a favor.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

God Whisper ( June 16,2013)

Dear allan,

If you keep looking at yourself and all the times you’ve screwed up, do you still wonder why you’re afraid to try again?

Working for your good,

P.S. allan, look up to Me and see your endless possibilities.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

God Whisper ( June 15,2013)

Dear allan,

Throw away the negative portraits you have of yourself. Redefine yourself. 

Renewing you,

P.S. allan, See yourself as a holy person. See yourself as a loving person. See yourself as a “truly rich” person.

Friday, June 14, 2013

God Whisper ( June 14,2013)

Dear allan,

Every hopeless situation contains one big message: Only by God’s Power.

Behind you,

P.S. allan, don’t forget: With Me, nothing is impossible.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

God Whisper ( June 12,2013)

Dear allan,

Hang a photo of yourself in your heart — the kind of person I want you to be in the future. I want to you to focus on that photo — your self-portrait — and dream big dreams. 

Growing you,

P.S. allan, use the power of pictures to transform your image of yourself.