The Truly Rich Club

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

God Whisper ( April 30,2013)

Dear allan,

Feel your feelings before the presence of My love, but don’t follow your feelings blindly. After you feel your feelings, go and do what I want you to do. 

Healing you,

P.S. allan, when you allow yourself to feel your painful feelings, to validate them, and to listen to its inner messages, you’re taking an important step towards loving yourself.

Monday, April 29, 2013

God Whisper ( April 29,2013)

Dear allan,

Can I challenge you today to find Me in every little thing that comes your way?

Eager to bless,

P.S. allan, you’ll be surprised that you’ll find Me even in the irritating and negative situations you’ll face this day.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

God Whisper ( April 28,2013)

Dear allan,

Will you marry Me?

Your Lover,

P.S. allan, when you marry Me, we become one. You get My name, My wealth, My everything.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

God Whisper ( April 27,2013)

Dear allan,

Your feelings are not your enemies. I can speak to you through your most negative emotions.


P.S. Remember, allan, feelings are the windows of the soul.  When you don’t feel your feelings, you won’t have a clue about what’s happening inside of you.

Friday, April 26, 2013

God Whisper ( April 26,2013)

Dear allan,

I’m giving you a makeover. You may think that what I want for you is too difficult or too taxing. Don’t resist. Surrender to My able hands.

Have faith,

P.S. allan, I always have the best in store for you.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

God Whisper ( April 25,2013)

Dear allan,

With today’s technology, you can reach anyone anywhere anytime at a click of a button. Guess what? You don’t even need a button to reach Me. You can connect to Me 24/7 no fail.

Love hearing from you,

P.S. allan, you don’t even have to hang up. Just keep our line open.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

God Whisper ( April 24,2013)

Dear allan,

Your weaknesses humble you.  It makes you depend on Me even more. So don’t be ashamed of your weaknesses.

Molding you,

P.S. allan, I choose what the world considers weak in order to shame the powerful (1 Corinthians 1:27).

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

God Whisper ( April 23,2013)

Dear allan,

Love the poor. Share with them whenever you can. Because those are divine moments when you encounter Me face to face.

Using you,

P.S. allan, when you help the poor, you are lending to Me — and I repay with wonderful interest on your loan!  (Proverbs 19:17).

Monday, April 22, 2013

God Whisper ( April 22,2013)

Dear allan,

Your deepest desires are in My will for you. Did you get that? I’m saying that what you want for yourself is what I want for you but in even greater measure.

Trust Me,

P.S. allan, now you can stop being impatient. I’ll answer your prayer when the time is right.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

God Whisper ( April 21,2013)

Dear allan,

You are My child and you are beautiful beyond imagination. I will use even your worst weaknesses to let My light shine.
Good day,

P.S. allan, remember: You don’t have to be perfect for Me to love you.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

God Whisper ( April 20,2013)

Dear allan,

Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Love today. Share today. Shine today.


P.S. allan, hurry is the death of a lot of good you could have done. So take the time to do the good that you can today.

Friday, April 19, 2013

God Whisper ( April 19,2013)

Dear allan,

Don’t expect to be blessed if you don’t go out there and do your part. Juan Tamad will never be as prosperous as Juan Masipag. Why? Because even if they had the same number of talents, Juan Masipag is able to grow and multiply what he has.

Teaching you,

P.S. allan, the one who is unwilling to work shall not eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10).

Thursday, April 18, 2013

God Whisper ( April 18,2013)

Dear allan,

Sometimes, you can set yourself up for big-time guilt by making lots of rules that I never wanted you to make.

Freeing you,

P.S. allan, watch out for these manmade, religious rules because this burden can rob you of joy in your life with Me.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

God Whisper ( April 17,2013)

Dear allan,

Miss Me? Missing you more.


P.S. allan, come with Me to a quiet place and spend time with Me.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

God Whisper ( April 16,2013)

Dear allan,

Do you see your trial and say, “This thing will defeat me,” or do you say, “My God is mighty to save”?

Delivering you,

P.S. allan, when you face giant problems, don’t forget how big your God is.

Monday, April 15, 2013

God Whisper ( April 15,2013)

Dear allan,

Your sin can never be bigger than My love for you.

Live free,

P.S. allan, allow Me to love you in your brokenness.  And give yourself permission to love you. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

God Whisper ( April 14,2013)

Dear allan,

Do you realize that I believe in you more than you believe in yourself? Rise up to your potential!

Your Maker,

P.S. allan, when I made you, I know what you were capable of. So reach beyond your grasp.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

God Whisper ( April 13,2013)

Dear allan,

Do you realize that I believe in you more than you believe in yourself? Rise up to your potential!

Your Maker,

P.S. allan, when I made you, I know what you were capable of. So reach beyond your grasp.

Friday, April 12, 2013

God Whisper ( April 12,2013)

Dear allan,

Nothing you do can ever diminishes My love for you. I never grow tired of forgiving you again and again.

Ever patient,

P.S. allan, if you confess your sins, I am faithful to forgive you and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Thursday, April 11, 2013

God Whisper ( April 11,2013)

Dear allan,

Don’t just see Me in spiritual things, in religious rituals and Christian settings. You will find me even in the most worldly and secular places.


P.S. allan, I am wherever you are.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

God Whisper ( April 10,2013)

Dear allan,

Quit trying to please people. Live to win my approval because that’s what really matters.


P.S. allan, believe me, you won’t die if others don’t approve of you.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

God Whisper ( April 9,2013)

Dear allan,

Loving yourself means loving the sinner and the saint within you. You’re a mix of the good and the bad, and you need to love that mix. 

Perfecting you,

P.S. allan, unless this happens, your addictions may never go away.

Monday, April 8, 2013

God Whisper ( April 8,2013)

Dear allan,

The worth of an artwork is not in the piece itself but in the master who created it. You are My greatest masterpiece.

Your Creator,

P.S. allan, do you realize how much you’re worth?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

God Whisper ( April 7,2013)

Dear allan,

allan a celebrity whose looks you admire the most. Now imagine you were fashioned after the image of that person. Wow! What a looker you’d be.

Admiring you,

P.S. Guess what, allan? You’re made in the image of Someone infinitely far more beautiful than that celebrity. You’re made in My image!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

God Whisper ( April 6,2013)

Dear allan,

You need to acknowledge your sin (don’t deny it), but you don’t have to meditate on it. Your eyes should be on My love for you.

Forgiving you,

P.S. allan, focus on My dream for you instead.

Friday, April 5, 2013

God Whisper ( April 5,2013)

Dear allan,

How you see yourself is how you will actually be. Do you see yourself as a loser, someone who’s always sick, the one who never gets the good stuff? Or do you see yourself as the child of the King, My precious one, blessed and abundant?

Truthfully yours,

P.S. allan, believe me, you’re blessed beyond your imagination!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

God Whisper ( April 4,2013)

Dear allan,

Open your eyes of faith and see what I see for you. Don’t focus on the problems you have at work, at home or in your community. See instead the answer that I am already sending your way.

Keep the faith,

P.S. allan, if your faith can see it, it will happen.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

God Whisper ( April 3,2013)

Dear allan,

I love you.  No ifs, no buts, no conditions.  I love you as is, where is.         


P.S. Remember, allan, I loved you first.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

God Whisper ( April 2,2013)

Dear allan,

Don’t ever think that nobody cares about you or nobody thinks about your needs. Do you know that you’re always on My mind?

Thinking of you,

P.S. allan, I’ve spent countless hours preparing for everything you need to be blessed in life.

Monday, April 1, 2013

God Whisper ( April 1,2013)

Dear allan,

Even when the whole world walks out on you, you’re never alone.

Always with you,

P.S. allan, even if your father and mother abandon you, I will hold you close. (Psalm 27:10)